Q-Park Corporate Social Responsibility
Q-Park has created Annual CSR Reports, based on the GRI standard, for the last ten years. This first decade has been about raising awareness, integrating sustainability in our day-to-day business, benchmarking, doing the right things right, engaging with stakeholders and enhancing transparency on our governance and our impact on environmental and social issues.
Figure 1 CSR progress

The next decade will be about developing and implementing shared solutions to work towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) together, and about progressing towards Europe's aim to be climate-neutral by 2050. We will be working towards achieving a European economy with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.
Besides playing our part in the energy-transition, we know we have a role to play in the mobility-transition – moving towards to zero-emission mobility. Keeping cities resilient, accessible and liveable with both individual and collective modes of sustainable transport, requires complex system integrations by a variety of public and private sector organisations.
We are working with international and national business partners, with local authorities, our customers and employees towards a more sustainable and inclusive future. We are conscious about using sustainable materials and repurposing existing parking capacity. We invest with a long-term perspective and we introduce digital tools, platforms and interfaces wherever possible.